Saturday, January 26, 2013


Today is a Saturday of day dreaming

*August 2009*

*October 2010*

*August 2011*

It has been 17 months since we were last at Disney.  That probably seems like a short time to most of you....but for those of you who, I know, LOVE Disney as much as Jonathan and I do; you know the feeling of 17 months since you last:

  • walked through the gates of the Magic Kingdom and saw Cinderella's Castle for the first time of a trip,
  • enjoyed a Mickey waffle for breakfast, or Mickey ice cream, basically, anytime
  • spent more hours that you can count, daily, at the parks enjoying every last second of magic possible,
  • waited for the nightly parade and/or fireworks,
  • turned one last time to see Cinderella's Castle - saying a misty-eyed goodbye to Disney until the next time 
I know that you know what I'm talking about.

We have been talking quite a bit about making our next Disney trip in 2013.  Still have a few options for the timing, and there are quite a few balls in the air that once one or two of them decide to drop, will decide when the trip gets to happen.

For now?

And crocheting....lots and lots of crocheting ;-)

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